Nov 11, 2010

A Tartan Tale Holiday Collection

Gone Romancin'

Hello my name is Janelle, I'm a compulsive MAC Lipstick purchaser. On my most recent trip to the MAC store in Saks Fifth Avenue (the best next to the one in Natick, Ma), since I'm always there the sales associate showed me the catalogue for the Fall/Winter Holiday collection. Immediately when I seen the "Courting Lilac" Lipglaze, I loved it. The collection gets to MAC about a week later and to my suprise the lipsticks are completely sheer. I love my matte, amp, and creme based lipsticks so I couldn't deal with just a glaze. The brush sets are pretty much a bargain but I don't wear full faced much make-up. Instead, I just bought a Dazzle Glass that I really loved. It's called Gone Romancin' and in my opinion it's a must have. It's hard to find a simple gloss that's cute and gives your skin the perfect glow. Here's what it looks like :)

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